"I am impressed and moved with how committed the GoPacks program is to connecting families to community resources, providing valuable educational opportunities, and supporting families on their journey to hunger solutions."
- GoPacks Board Member
GoPacks is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Corporation. We are run by a volunteer board of dedicated community members.
Recognitions & Certifications
Sister's Health Foundation Recognition for Improving the Health & Well-Being of People in Washington 2022
Recipient, GoPacks
Recognition from The Ohio State University, West Virginia University ~ "For your consistent contribution to local food security and community kindness"
Local Food Kindness Hero Award, 2022
Recipient, GoPacks
Recognition from The Ohio State University & West Virginia University "For your consistent contribution to local food security and community kindness."
Linsley Community Partner Award, 2019
Recipient, GoPacks Recognition from Marietta College in recognition for continued outstanding partnership.
The HealthPath Foundation of Ohio 2019 Community Connector Award
Recipient, Heather Warner, GoPacks Director
"The Community Connector Award recognizes an individual or pair of individuals who have dedicated their time and efforts to give all Ohioans the opportunity to achieve their fullest health potential."
Sweet Expansion Award, 2019
Recipient, GoPacks
Recognition from the United Way Alliance of the Mid-Ohio Valley ~ For the Pack & Go Store Program expansion.
We are always striving to provide the best care to our community. The GoPacks team regularly participates in educational opportunities and trainings. Here are a few of the certifications GoPacks brings to the community:
Bridges out of Poverty Trainer
PAX Community Trainer
CPR, AED, First Aid Certified
Mental Health First Aid for Youth & Adults
Parent Cafe Facilitator
Getting By in a Just Gettin' By World Facilitator
Executive Board
President - Alicia McIntire Vice President - Denise Lee Treasurer - Missy Meyer Secretary - Pauline Lee Head School Rep. - Kim Cwynar Outreach & Collaboration Rep.- Heather Warner Member at Large - Stephanie Ogden
We envision a future void of food insecurity. By intentionally spreading the GoPacks model of two way giving, we are breaking the intergenerational cycle of poverty through encouraging the development of supportive relationships within the community.